Saturday, September 5, 2009

Where did my week go?

Okay so I had good intentions (honestly I do most of the time!) of posting a few more things to this blog, but my ever present gift with computers is preventing me for some unknown reason for being able to post a blog on my computer, so I have to steal DH laptop to do so. Although like many people I know I seem to be busier these days but getting less done - are we expecting too much of ourselves or is it that we are not able to find peace and contentment with our lives and think that with constant activity we will make it better? I know I always seem to have an avalanche of stuff to do and have decided that somethings can wait & when it comes to my art, I will always have far more ideas than time to execute them!
Our cherub always seems to have full days, but this week so did I. I finished preparing all the kits for my first class (Christmas cards) at Crafty Cards on Garling ( which was held this morning and was an interesting learning experience in itself when almost all of the participants had never seen an ink pad or paper punch before, but they seemed to have fun and managed to get the projects completed okay and now I have another fortnight before my next one! I must confess that even though it is a little weird doing Christmas cards in August/September it was nice to have some adult conversation & it felt vaguely productive thinking of Christmas already - hmm now if I just manage to make multiples of the cards and get them mailed out in time!
The other exciting news was that our gorgeous cherub has his photograph in the latest Super Food Ideas magazine (Oct issue) on page 10 for the aquarium birthday cake I made for his 3rd birthday and DH helped to decorate, so that was very exciting to open up the mail today and not only find bills, but something really nice.
Okay off to do something productive!

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